Semi-Real Tales Characters

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Kit Garcia - The author of Semi-Real Tales represented by the fox iconage. Her schizotypal imagination fuels most of the adventures and artwork on the website.

Anna AKA Slug - Kit's sister who is represented by the snail iconage. She is the pessimist/realist of the group. Her no-nonsense sobriety keeps the group on track. She is well known for her thoroughness and resulting time lags.

Katie Lambert - Miss Lambert is the uber-petite femme-jock who sometimes climbed with the 2 sisters. She has a big pirate fetish and a dog named Sid. Her carefree attitude and exuberant confidence keeps the group energized.

Brian and Jason - Two of Kit's regular climbing buddies.

The animals of Semi-Real Tales - Most of the wildlife encountered on this comic serve as the perky antagonists whether they be spiders, ringtails, mice, lizards, or just common alley cats.

Semi-Real Tales and all associated characters ©2004 - 2007 Kit Garcia. All rights reserved.
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