Semi-Real Tales FAQ

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1.) What is Semi-Real Tales about?
Answer: It's an exaggerated autobiography about my daily life and loves. They include but are not limited to: motorcycling, rock climbing, martial arts, my iguana, my cats, politics, my job, my art, and the people in my life. Most of it is true, but some of the content is utter B.S. I leave it up to my audience to figure out which is which.

2.) How often is Semi-Real Tales updated?
Answer: It is randomly updated, but I'll try at least once a month.

3.) Your name seems familiar. Haven't you done some other online comics or artwork before?
Answer: Yup. I used to have a crappy first-effort sort of webcomic i did that i abandoned due to time constraint and lack of partners' interest in the project. That project is on permanent hiatus. If you look around the internet, you can also be sure to find old doujinshi, slash art, fan art, writings, etc. that are also mine.

4.) I was a fan of *blah old work* and it was such high quality art! why is S-RT drawn so poorly?
Answer: Time constraint. It takes me 1-2 hrs to draw, ink, photoshop, edit, put online one episode of SR-T. That is all the time i can afford for this.

5.) OMG there is teh furry in there! Are you a furry?
Answer: (I included this one out of sarcasm.) No, I am not a furry, nor is this comic about furries. However, I don't hate furries; I just don't care. neutral. Wearing "fox ears and tail" may make you wierd, but it doesn't necessarily make you a furry.

6.) So what's up with the fox ears and tail then? You don't wear them in public do you? or I've never seen you wear fox ears and tail in public, so why in the comic?
Answer: They are a visual metaphor for the unseen realm of madness that surrounds my world. They don't exist to the people who can't see them. And just because you can't see them on me in real life doesn't mean they aren't "there". ^_~ I'll let you figure out what that really means. For a hint, go here.

7.) Are you always so cryptic?
Answer: What is that supposed to mean?

8.) I tried to email you by clicking that link at the bottom of the page and it doesn't work?
Answer: Take out that extra colon on email addy. That's dessert for the bots.

9.) Why is the main character's hair a different colour in nearly every episode?
Answer: Since the main character is loosely based on me, I thought it would be nifty to change her hair colour everytime I change mine.

10.) What are these terms I see like "V0" about?
Answer: They are rock climbing grades. Generally a V0 (pronounced "VEE-zee-roh") is supposed to be the easiest bouldering grade. The larger the number following V, the harder the surface is to climb. I extrapolated to come up with the non-existant V(infinity) grade as being a completely smooth teflon surface. It is best to obtain a book about rock climbing to get the best information.

Semi-Real Tales and all associated characters ©2004 - 2005 Kit Garcia. All rights reserved.
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